The African Pharmaceutical Review is an online resource for readers and professionals working or have an interest in the pharmaceutical industry. Our goal is to provide a voice to the African pharmaceutical industry and ensure that the pharmaceutical community is kept in touch with the latest news, developments and insights around the pharma industry in Africa.
We achieve this mandate through carrying out interviews with the most respected industry leaders, providing news, articles and videos of topics that widen the knowledge space of our readers.
To be the leading provider of African pharmaceutical insights.
To provide insights and developments within the African pharmaceutical industry through news, interviews, articles, live conversations, podcasts, white papers, webinars and videos with the aim of creating a pathway to inclusive productivity growth in the continent’s pharma sector.
Core Values
We seek to publish accurate information across our content. To achieve this, we put in place key controls that filters out dishonest or adulterated information. We investigate all claims with skepticism, confirm the information with the relevant subject matter experts, clarify assumptions and seek to corroborate information given to us through enquiry from other sources and key evidence documents.
We commit to honesty across our content and a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles.
We believe in technology and the power it has to revolutionize how media content is generated and distributed to our readership.
We believe in the spirit of partnership and are always looking for like-minded groups that we can collaborate with for the benefit of our clients.
Readership satisfaction
We seek to always keep our readership engaged with informative insights that they derive value from and enhances their practice.
Continuous Improvement
We believe that there is always part of us that can be improved on. Therefore, every day we look for ways to make our content better than the previous.
African Pharmaceutical Review provides information and insights on many pharmaceutical related topics, all based on recent evidence and have been written and reviewed by professionals from the pharmaceutical industry.
The medical information found on the African Pharmaceutical Review website is designed to support not to replace the relationship between patient and doctor and the medical information they provide. At all times seek medical advice before acting on any information you read on africanpharmaceuticalreview.com. Even if a medical related statement is accurate it may not apply to your demographic (including age and gender).